za 04 jul
|Life Streaming
Versterk je energie en leer de Tao praktijken voor een gezond en sterk lichaam, emotionele stabiliteit en een rustige geest!
Tijd en locatie
04 jul 2020, 09:00 – 21 jul 2020, 15:00
Life Streaming
Over het evenement
De volledige info vind je door op volgende linken te klikken, je kan je daar ook aanmelden!
Heb je vragen, alvorens je in te schrijven, dan kan je mijzelf: ook altijd contacteren.
De zomer online retraite is een certificatie training om eventueel up te graden naar associate of certified instructor, maar kan je ook gewoon volgen om kennis te maken met dit zeer praktische oefensysteem.
Geniet ervan!
Summer retreat Taoist Inner Alchemy:
4th – 7th July: Supreme Inner Alchemy Level I [Awakening Healing of the Tao – Back to the Body Wisdom & Six Directions]
9th – 12th July Supreme Inner Alchemy Level II [Loving Energy that Heals, Multiorgasmic & Iron shirt I]
14th – 17th July : Fusion I, Tan Tien Chi Kung & Tao Yin
All info: Summer retreat
Frequently Asked Questions
Q) What do I need to join the webinar?
A) You’ll need to download Zoom to your device.
Q) I just paid online and didn't receive a link to the webinar
A) You’ll receive the link to the webinar the day before it starts.
Q) If I want to avail of translation how do I do that?
A) There is translation available in French, German, Italian, Romanian, Spanish and
Russian. Just choose the translation channel you wish to listen to when you join Zoom.
Q) If I can't make it live. Are there recordings?
A) Yes you will receive the recordings at the end of each 2 day workshop. It's available for 7
days from that date.
Q) Can I buy the recordings after the 7 days?
A) The recordings will be available to purchase after the seminar on
Q) Do these hours count for the UHT passport?
A) Yes they do. Just fill out the passport yourself. 2 days = 10 hrs.
Q) Is there a discount for Instructors/Associate Instructors?
A) Yes, they receive a 50% discount via